Thursday, April 25, 2013

Naming a Blog

I'm going to claim that I'm a Lazy Single Mom.  That means I don't have to type as much.  And it's a good excuse for having a house that's, well, decorated by Chaos.  In reality, though, I hate cleaning, I don't get motivated to clean unless there's company, and I am a Big Baby when my Rheumatoid Arthritis is acting up.  And when it's not.  I may actually be lazy too I guess! LOL

The name of the blog is also indicative of my status as a mom.  Technically, Patrick was 2 when I got divorced.  But from the time he was born I was essentially a single mom.  I had to take care of the baby before I left for work and make sure he was napping before I could leave, so that the husband working 2nd shift could sleep.  Then I'd come home at lunch and feed the baby.  Then I'd rush home after work and take care of the baby while the husband was at work.  So when the husband moved out the week of Patrick's 1st birthday, I didn't really notice. 

Now that the background is covered a bit, the RA part of me is screaming to stop typing. So here goes!  My first blog post! 

See you when my lazy self posts again.

Thanks for reading,
Lazy Single Mom

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