Sunday, April 28, 2013

Dealing with the Ex: Mr. Control Freak

Since I'm still new to blogging, I'm hoping I don't get flagged if I use some potentially harsh language in reference to my ex-husband.  He brings out the anger in me.  I didn't used to be like that.  Even the guy I dated who broke a kitten's back didn't affect me like this other guy.

Mr. Control Freak has issues.  I won't get into them now, except for the name for this post.  I remember towards the end of our marriage, I'd have to sneak peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  Mr. CF thinks PB&Js are bad because it's all sugar.  I tend to disagree.   There is actual nutrition in peanut butter.  And who's to say I don't use sugar-free jelly?!

Back in the days of marriage, I made myself a sandwich one evening,and he harped on me so much I just finally threw it away.  It got so bad I'd sneak them when he was at work.  I know it was around the time Patrick was born because I told my OB-GYN about it, and she got mad and asked if I wanted a prescription!  She was great.

Once we divorced, for reasons not currently discussed, there was no contact with Mr. CF and Patrick for a good four years.  Patrick became old enough to realize he didn't have a dad and people don't normally think of things like that around kids.  They'll talk about doing something with Mom and Dad, or make a Father's Day card for Dad, and it was salt in a new wound.  Patrick's therapist suggested eventually that maybe they could talk on the phone.  I was leery but I did it for Patrick's benefit.

I laid some ground rules.  Easy ones.  Talk once a week.  He's not to get to know Mr. CF's girlfriends.  No discussing what Patrick eats.  I had to add that last one when the PB&J issue came up and he started in on Patrick like he used to do to me. 

But, again, Mr. CF asked tonight what was for supper.  He should be able to remember by now.  Besides, Mr. CF never asks when I slave away for an hour cooking a good homemade meal to eat it all in 7.2 minutes!  It's only when we've had the lazy meal.  Seriously.  Stop asking. 

It also puts Patrick in a bad spot because he knows it's a rule and his dad is breaking it.  And he knows I get angry.  He starts being all subdued like HE'S the one in trouble.  And then I get to deal with any fallout.

There's no conclusion to this problem.  I just want Mr. CF to go away and not bother my kid.  'Cause if he dont,  Mama Bear gonna come out!

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