Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bronchitis Fallout

After coughing for 2-1/2 weeks, I agreed with Ms. Ogre that I should see the doctor.  My appointment was for Friday, 2 days later. Too bad I had to leave early from work.

The doctor diagnosed the bronchitis and said she wanted me to be off Monday and Tuesday.  My first thought was why, I should be much better by then.  I said I didn't want to take Tuesday off, but she was adamant that I take Monday off.  I actually felt happy that I could have a day off, until I was driving down the road and realized that it would be payroll week and I was 2 weeks behind closing Food & Beverage so the tips wouldn't be calculated.  Oy.
I stopped back at work and picked up the paperwork I needed to work from home Monday.  <sigh>  Ms. Ogre wasn't there as she had to leave early, but I let Jane know.  I texted a picture of the doctor's note saying I had to be off Monday to Ms. Ogre.
Now it's Monday.  I sent an email to a manager and copied Ms. Ogre. 
  • Ms. Ogre responded by asking why I was working since the doctor gave me a day off. 
  • I said that it was payroll week and I hadn't closed for 2 weeks.  I needed to get it done.  I'm still coughing but I feel better than I have in 3 weeks.
  • She then asked why I wasn't working in the office.
  • I said that the doctor told me to stay home and that it would take me all day to close anyway.
Problem 1: I said that I felt better than I have in 3 weeks.  It's true though.  May as well be truthful.
Reaction 1: Why the hell aren't you in the office then
Reaction 2: Is this going to be a problem where now I'm in trouble for doing what the doctor ordered and what you wanted me to do the first week?

It turns out the boss's reaction was because she didn't know what was going on.  As an auditor, she doesn't tend to trust.  For example, to pay an invoice, the manager has to approve it, the controller approves and codes it, I enter it, the GM approves it and signs the check and then if the check is over a certain amount, the controller co-signs the check.  But when I take work home, I work.  Don't trust me?  Check my emails.  Check my printouts on the work printer.  Check my programs to see the usage.  I don't cheat. 

I'm also really paranoid at this point.  I've already rescheduled 2 dentist visits that were scheduled at my normal leaving time.  I can't reschedule my rheumatologist though.  She's in that office once a week until 3:30pm!  I can't get around dropping Patrick off at school at 8am for chorus practice.  I've rescheduled parent teacher conferences.  I've not gone to the school to see some programs that Patrick has put on. 

I really hate not being at work when I'm supposed to be.  I have a good work ethic but there's a lot going on right now and it's not always up to me when stuff happens.

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